What an amazing God we serve! It is so wonderful to see His mighty hand at work even in the most challenging of times all around the globe. We have been experiencing such prayer results and responses as we seek him and intercede for people and the nations. Even when we ask for the little things it seems His answers are quick to come in this season. It's as though His heart is so tuned to us because He wants to pour out His love in the present situations.

When I last wrote, South Africa had been forced into lockdown again because of a third wave of COVID but things were just beginning to ease up. We experienced a couple of months with the lockdown eased considerably but it remained mandatory to wear masks everywhere, indoors or out. During that time we were able to minister in different locations locally and were able to pray with several different people. We started teaching some classes on prayer and intercessors ministry at Without Walls Christian Family Church in the Khayelitsha area. Khayelitsha is a large housing suburb of Cape Town with some brick housing and many other houses (shacks) made from containers and any other kind of building material they can find. These areas are often called "informal settlements." We also had the opportunity to pray with a lady named Nokuphiwa (Gift) from Without Walls along with Pastor Thembie Thamanga. Nokuphiwa had been sick for about ten years and had lost much of the use of her arms and legs. She was confined to her home and had to have assistance to move from room to room. We spent time talking, praying and leading her to pray, especially concerning some witchcraft issues in her life. When we were finished she got up and walked through the house without assistance. The next Sunday she was at church for the first time in a very long time. Our God is so awesome!!!

That time of eased lockdown was short lived as the Delta Variant of the virus hit the country hard. We've were again in lockdown for about a month, from the end of June until the end of July. On top of that there has been some political unrest which led to a lot of demonstrations, riots, violence and looting. Most of this took place in other areas throughout the country. Then we were hearing reports that demonstrations were being planned for our area on a Saturday, July 17th. It was amazing to see the church unite in prayer across denominations, races and language groups. People prayed! Groups met here and there, on the streets or anywhere and petitioned our God on behalf of this beautiful country. That Saturday came and went without any demonstrations happening. We've heard reports even on the news of the same united prayer effort happening all over the country, even in the areas hit hardest by the unrest. So our hearts are anticipating good things as our Father responds to the cries of His children on behalf of their nation. Please pray with us for South Africa during this season. Pray for Dan and I to be moved in the wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit in these crucial times. God bless each one of you and may you find His face in the eye of the storm.
In His Sevice,
Theresa and Dan McArthur
Cape Town, South Africa
